News and events
The CITR sponsors regular Research Colloquia.
Colloquia comes from the Latin colloqui meaning "to converse" and denotes a conversation or dialogue. We convene monthly research colloquia to share, support, critique and celebrate our research.
2025 Colloquium
Join us on Microsoft Teams
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2023 Colloquium
2022 Colloquium
AUT News: Atawhai Responding to Family Violence. See article here Home - Atawhai | Making it safe to talk about family violence in health care (
2021 Colloquium
Dr Ayesha Scott Watch the recording
Dr Zoe Tipa (LinkedIn), Dr Zoe Tipa's website
Dr Chien Ting Watch the recording
2020 Colloquium
Engaging with uncertainty and complexity: A secondary analysis of primary care responses to intimate partner violence
Dr Claire Gear, PhD, BSocSci (Hons)
More information
Webinar: Men who use violence
The Family Violence Death Review Committee presented findings from their Sixth Report 'Men who use violence | Ngā tāne ka whakamahi i te whakarekereke.'
This report follows on from key findings and recommendations of previous reports, in that, to ensure victims' safety, a significant focus on men who use violence is required. The report takes a life-course approach, seeking to understand the men's life trajectory from birth to the family violence death event. It intentionally focuses on missed opportunities to change men's development trajectory and the impact of their violent behaviour. The report will be published on the Health Quality and Safety Commission website on 30 April 2020.
In this webinar, members of the Committee will provide an overview of the findings of the report. In addition, contributions will be provided from a lived experience perspective, and from NGO service providers to reflect on the implications of the report for service delivery, funding and capacity building within the sector. The recommendations of the report will also be placed within the context of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Professor Jane Koziol-McLain, Chair of the Family Violence Death Review Committee
- Dr Fiona Cram, Chair of Ngā Pou Arawhenua, the Māori caucus to the mortality review committees
- Patumoana Jeremy Eparaima
- Tim Marshall
- Nicola Woodward
Sign language interpreters will be present during the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and made available via YouTube afterwards. The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is pleased to host the Family Violence Death Review Committee to present this webinar.
Healing Circles: An evaluation of an intervention for Indigenous mothers and children affected by intimate partner violence
Associate Professor Caroline Piotrowski Director, Violence & Injury Prevention Research Group University of Manitoba
2018 Colloquium
Domestic Violence Documentation Matters: Health Records in the Courts. (Flyer )
Honorable Judge Eugene M. Hyman (Ret.)
Judge Hyman referred attendees to the following resources:
- Hyman, Hon. Eugene M. and Liberty Aldrich, ‘Rethinking access to justice: the need for a holistic response to victims of domestic violence’ (2012) 33 Women's Rights Law Reporter 449
- Strack, Geal and Hyman, Hon. Eugene, ‘Your patient. My client. Her safety: A physician’s guide to avoiding the courtroom while helping victims of domestic violence (2007). DePaul Journal of Health Care Law, Vol 11, Issue 1.
Research roadshow
The Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences' research roadshow is held in September of each year. It's a great opportunity for all AUT staff, postgraduate research students, external partners, and collaborators to come together, connect, share, engage, learn, inspire and be inspired. The CITR team attends each year and presents their current research projects and body of work.
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Get in touch if you have questions about our events or would like further information.